Your dentist will always do their best to see you as soon as possible for any dental emergencies, but even if the next available appointment is in 15 minutes, that can seem like a long time when you’re suffering from a toothache! Fortunately, there are several home remedies you can try while you wait. Keep reading for a list of pain relief solutions straight from the kitchen pantry.
Makeshift Cold Compress
Ice is a great resource for numbing tender areas. But maybe you don’t have a “proper” cold compress on hand. No problem! You can wrap a couple of ice cubes up in a towel, or even apply a frozen drink or glass. The chill might bite at first, but stick with it and you should experience sweet relief soon.
Pillows – And Lots of ‘Em
Lying down can actually make a bad toothache worse. Gravity and the shift in blood flow exerts extra pressure on your sinuses and teeth. To avoid the weight, prop your head up with as many pillows as you need, and try to get some rest if possible.
Salt Water
Don’t worry, this isn’t the kind from the ocean! Simply mix roughly ½ teaspoon of salt with warm water and swish it around your mouth. If spitting is painful, simply let the solution waterfall out of your mouth. Rinsing can help dislodge any debris that might be stuck between your teeth, and salt is a great disinfectant, which will help reduce inflammation.
Tasty Tea Bags
Since tea is basically a combination of different herbs and spices, it often has medicinal properties. Applying a warm or cold tea bag to your tooth can help ease the ache, and if you have peppermint tea, you could benefit from its antibacterial qualities. Drinking the tea won’t hurt either, so if you need a little comfort and warmth, don’t hesitate to drain your cup!
Garlic in All of Its Forms
It might not be so good for your breath, but garlic is actually a pain reliever and bacteria fighter. Grab a clove and two and crush them into a paste that can be applied to a cotton ball or directly to your toothache. Or, if you really like garlic, you can simply chew the cloves carefully with your troubled pearly white. Don’t like any of those options? That’s fine – garlic oil will also do the trick!
Remember that these remedies, while useful, are only temporary solutions. They won’t cure the source of your dental pain! For that, you’ll still have to visit your dentist, who can provide you with a professional diagnosis and treatment plan. Attend your emergency dental appointment, and they’ll make sure you’re taken care of for the long-term.
About the Author
Dr. J.D. Robison is a highly accomplished dentist. He has completed several advanced training programs that enable him to quickly and accurately diagnose his patients, as well as provide treatment for the most persistent dental issues. If your day has been interrupted by a painful toothache, don’t hesitate to call Dr. Robison’s office at 734-453-6320.