Do you experience headaches on a regular basis? Then you could be struggling with an oral health issue known as TMJ syndrome. TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint. You have two of these joints, one located under each ear. Misalignment or stress can aggravate these joints, causing symptoms like headache, ear pain, dizziness, difficulty chewing, and clicking or popping in the jaw.
If you struggle with these symptoms on a regular basis, the team at Robison Dental Group can help. Using our Canton office’s special K7 unit, we can detect the misalignment behind your issues and create a personalized treatment plan to help you address. With this excellent piece of technology, Dr. John Robison and Dr. J.D. Robison have been able to provide help to hundreds of patients.
Do you have questions about TMJ syndrome, both what causes it and how it can be treated? Call Robison Dental Group today to schedule an appointment. Our Canton team wants to help you treat your uncomfortable symptoms so you can enjoy better oral health and overall wellbeing. We offer TMJ headache prevention for patients from Canton, Ann Arbor, Northville, Westland, and Plymouth.